
Learn Quran at Home:

Online Quran teaching is an easy way for you and your kids to learn the Holy Quran at home. All you need is a PC / laptop, headset with a microphone and a broad band internet connection.

Online Quran Academy has been established with the aim of teaching the Holy Quran from Arabic basics as well as reading Quran with Tajweed, Allhamdu Lillah we teach Holy Quran one to one classes using the latest software's technology and the latest Quran teaching methods and tutors.

Allhamdu Lillah thousands of muslims have benifited from this and have learn to read Quran and learn Quran with Tajweed. It's a perfect way for learning Religion and Islamic basic teachings in the light of Al Quran, sunnah and Hadith. Now student of any age in any country can learn to read Quran at their own schedule and pace. Parents can now watch their childerns learning Holy Quran in front of their eyes.